What Happens When I Die [Lk 16:19-31]
- Two Persons & their Life Stories
- Two Places with Different Destinies in Eternity
vs 22-23
- Two Prayers that were Unanswered
vs 24-31
31 DEC
The Body of Christ & Its Future
[Heb 12:1-4, 22-29]
- Perseverance of the Saints in the Race of Life
vs 1-3
- Prospect of a New Heavenly Jerusalem
vs 22-24
- Pronouncement of a Judge with Perfect Justice
vs 25-29

24 DEC
Appreciating the Titles of the Newborn King [Isa 9:1-7]
- Christ as the Great light vs 1-5
- Christ with the 5 fold titles vs 6
- Christ as the Soon Coming King &Judge vs 7
17 DEC
The Body of Christ and Spiritual Warfare
[Eph 6:10-21
- Exhortation to be Vigilant & Prepared
vs 10-11
- Enemy's Craftiness and Wickedness Exposed
- Equipment for Spiritual Combat & Warfare
vs 14-21

10 DEC
The Body of Christ and Effective Evangelism [Mt 28:1-20]
- Evangelical Element with Divine Authority vs 1-18
- Ecclesiastical Element with Divine Assignment vs 19
- Educational Element with Divine Assurance vs 20
The Body of Christ & Doctrine [1Tim 4:4-16[
Doctrine as:
- the Nourishing Ministry of the Church (1Tim 4:6-13)
- the Manner of Life (2Tim 3:10, Deut 32:2-3)
- the Basis for the Defence of the Faith (Jude 3,4)

26 NOV
The Body of Christ and the World [Rom 12:1-13]
- What we are to Offer: Bodily Dedication vs 1
- What we are to Avoid: Worldly Conformity vs 2
- What we are to Achieve: Holy Transformation & Service vs 3-13
19 NOV
The Body of Christ & Missions [Acts 1:1-16]
- Chosen by the Spirit of God vs 1-2
- Commissioned by the Church of God vs 3-5
- Committed to the Work of the God vs 6-16
* Openings to God's Word (vs 4-7)
* Opposition to God's Word (vs 8-11)
* Obedience to God's Word (vs 12-16)

12 NOV
The Body of Christ and Discipleship [Luke 9:18-27]
- Request & Recognition of Christ vs 18-21
- Requirements of Following Jesus vs 22-25
- Resurrection & Return of Christ and its Effects v 27-28
The Body of Christ & Fellowship [Heb 10:19-25]
- Rev Tang Tuck Keong

29 OCT
The Cause and Case for A Zealous Reformation Spirit [Jude 1-13]
- Joseph Wee
v1 Composition of the fighters
v2 Conduct of the fighters
v3 - 4 Contention in the fight
v5 - 13 Consequences of the fight
22 OCT
The Body of Christ and Stewardship [Mt 25:14-30]
- Concept of Biblical Stewardship vs 14-15
- Conscientious Duty of Accountable Stewardship vs 16-20
- Commendation of Faithful Stewardship vs 21-30

15 OCT
The Body of Christ & the Sacraments [1Cor 11:23 -30, Acts2:39-41]
- Purpose of the Sacraments in the Church
- Preparation for the Lord's Supper
- Practice of Baptism - both Infants and Adults
The Body of Christ & Sabbath Worship [Acts 2:37-47, 20:7]
- Steadfast in the Apostolic Doctrine vs 42
- Strong in Christian Fellowship &Mutual Sharing vs 42- 45
- Sober in Worship, Prayer & Praise vs 46- 47

What Constitutes the Body of Christ? (Eph 1:1-13)
Rev Matthew Yong